WordPress 3.0

Yesterday WordPress released the beta of the new 3.0 version so of course I had to download it to see. I’m not going to go into the new features and all in depth, mainly since it’s still in beta and also because I’m most concerned about how my themes will work with it.

I quickly ran all my themes through it to see if there would be any problems using them on the new version and so far haven’t seen any issues. Of course they may be some glitches with some of the new features that will be included in the new 3.0 but the upshot is that if you are using any of my themes you should be okay if you upgrade (which I strongly suggest you wait until the official version of 3.0 is released). So as it stands I won’t be doing much upgrading of the themes unless something major presents itself.

If you are using a lot of plugins you may wind up with issues there so that’s something to look into before you upgrade.

Posted in Site News

Parchment Draft Theme

A very basic 2 column fixed-width theme in reminiscent of old parchment paper. Featuring an Author Info page and gravatars along with Custom Archives, Sitemap and Full-Width No Sidebars page templates. Tested in Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE6 and IE7. Compatible up to WordPress 2.8 and is XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.1 valid out of the box.

Demo Coming Soon


Posted in Wordpress Themes